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Phoenix Framework: to the basics and beyond

Phoenix is the exciting new kid on the block in the vast world of web frameworks. Its roots are in Rails, with the bonus of the performances of a compiled language.
This isn't exactly a getting started guide, but a list (albeit short) of things you'll have to know very soon in the process of writing a Phoenix application, that are just a bit beyond the writing a blog engine in 15 minutes by using only the default generators.

Elixir, Phoenix Framework, Rails alternatives, Phoenix to the basics and beyond

Brainfuck in Elixir, part three, compiling

This is the third in a series of articles on building a brainfuck interpreter in Elixir. In the first part we built a minimal brainfuck interpreter that can already run some basic program. In the second part we completed it by implementing loops. In this third episode we'll write a simple compiler to translate Brainfuck instructions to a machine readable intermediate format (AST) and a VM that executes it.

Elixir, brainfuck, brainfuck compiler, brainfuck compiler in Elixir, parsing in Elixir, functional programming, functional programming language

Writing a Brainfuck interpreter in Elixir, part two

This is the second in a series of articles on building a brainfuck interpreter in Elixir. In the first part we built a minimal brainfuck interpreter that can already run some basic program. In this second part we'll finish it implementing loop handling.

Elixir, brainfuck, brainfuck interpreter, brainfuck interpreter in Elixir, parsing in Elixir, functional programming, functional programming language