If you see this error popping up in VS Code, chance are high that the problem is the corporate proxy you are behind.

There’s ana esay way to check:

  • Open the output window if it’s not already open (SHIFT+CTRL+P Toggle Output)
  • Select VS Intellicode from the select input

VS Intellicode output

There you’ll see the real error message reported by Intellicode itself.

In my case it was Couldn't reach service Error Message: unable to verify the first certificate.

Unfortunately Intellicode doesn’t obey to VS Code setting http.proxyStrictSSL and tries to validate the SSL certificate no matter what.

Fortunately the solution is pretty straightforward: instruct the underlying node environment to ignore SSL certificate validation using the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable, like this


Et voilĂ , enjoy Intellicode!

VS Intellicode success