Exactly one month ago, Github relaesed version 1.0 of their open source editor Atom. Giovanni already blogged about it, from the perspective of a long time Emacs lover: Atom still has a long way to go, but he also admitted that

There are several things going for Atom though. Coffeescript is a more popular language than Lisp, also, I know it better, so writing my own Atom extensions won’t be as hard as writing my Emacs extensions.

I’ve never been proficient enough with Lisp to write a package for Emacs, and Vimscript is really too hackish for the undisciplined developer I am.
I know Javascript better, but I don’t love it.
Atom packages can be written in Coffeescript, a language that I really enjoy.
Language alone is surely not enough to declare that writing a package is going to be easy, but it gave me the confidence to try.

Our package will be very simple: it will put a live clock on the right side of the status bar that can be toggled on and off.

To begin, we create a status-bar-clock folder inside ~/.atom/packages/ and add a package.json, in the same way we dot for regular node packages.
Atom added a few unique keys, where main is the only one required and points to the entry point of our package.

The base version of our package.json will look like this

  "name": "status-bar-clock",
  "main": "./lib/status-bar-clock",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Show a clock inside the status bar",
  "repository": "https://github.com/wstucco/status-bar-clock",
  "license": "MIT",
  "engines": {
    "atom": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"

Then we create the package main and put it in lib/ststus-bar-clock.coffee.
Atom packages are simple objects that implement the two methods activate and deactivate; only activate is required, deactivate is called when the package is removed or deactivated from the preferences and is useful to clean up: in OO terms it’s the destructor.

We’ll start with the most basic package possible

module.exports = StatusBarClock =
  activate: (state) ->
    console.log 'Clock was activated'
  deactivate: ->
    console.log 'Clock was deactivated'

Save it and press ctrl-alt-cmd-l, it will reload the editor, including our package code. If you open up the developer tools with cmd-alt-i you should see the message Clock was activated in the console.
If you disable the package from the preferences, the message Clock was deactivated will show up.
We’re in business!

Enabling and disabling the package from the preferences is not very convenient, moreover it’s not what we really want, we just want to toggle the clock on or off, without having to disable the entire package.
We’ll add a keyboard shortcut, keymaps in Atom: keymaps are json or cson files inside the keymaps folder (for documentation see here). We bind the toggle command to ctrl-alt-t (the same action should be present in the action menu if you press cmd-shift-p)

# keymaps/status-bar-clock.cson
  'ctrl-alt-t': 'status-bar-clock:toggle'

Once we declared the mapping between keys and commands, we write the code to handle it.

note: the binding will only work if we are inside the Atom workspace, so if, for example, the developer console has the focus, the binding won’t work

{CompositeDisposable} = require 'atom'

module.exports = StatusBarClock =
  active: false

  activate: (state) ->
    @subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
    # Register command that toggles this view
    @subscriptions.add atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'status-bar-clock:toggle': => @toggle()

    console.log 'Clock was activated'
  deactivate: ->
    console.log 'Clock was deactivated'

  toggle: ->
    console.log 'Clock was toggled on' if @active
    console.log 'Clock was toggled off' if !@active

    @active = ! !!@active

Now we need to add the message to the status bar, the status bar in Atom is a service and exposes an API that can be consumed.
We declare this dependency in package.json

  "consumedServices": {
    "status-bar": {
      "versions": {
        "^1.0.0": "consumeStatusBar"

When the status bar is initialized, it will call a method in our package, passing an instance of itself as parameter.
Status bar API docs can be found here

consumeStatusBar: (statusBar) ->
  @statusBar = statusBar

Status bar can display different blocks called titles on the left and right side. The displayed element must be a view which “can be a DOM element, a jQuery object, or a model object for which a view provider has been registered in the view registry
We’re going the simple route and create a DOM element

class StatusBarClockView extends HTMLElement
  init: ->
    @classList.add('status-bar-clock', 'inline-block')

  activate: ->
    @intervalId = setInterval @updateClock.bind(@), 100

  deactivate: ->
    clearInterval @intervalId

  getTime: ->
    date = new Date

    seconds = date.getSeconds()
    minutes = date.getMinutes()
    hour = date.getHours()

    minutes = '0' + minutes if minutes < 10
    seconds = '0' + seconds if seconds < 10


  updateClock: ->
    @textContent = @getTime()

module.exports = document.registerElement 'status-bar-clock',
  prototype: StatusBarClockView.prototype, extends: 'div'

and display it

{CompositeDisposable} = require 'atom'
StatusBarClockView = require './status-bar-clock-view'

module.exports = StatusBarClock =
  active: false

  activate: (state) ->
    console.log 'Clock was activated'

    @subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
    # Register command that toggles this view
    @subscriptions.add atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace',     'status-bar-clock:toggle': => @toggle()

    @statusBarClockView = new StatusBarClockView()

  deactivate: ->
    console.log 'Clock was deactivated'

  toggle: ->
    if @active
      console.log 'Clock was toggled on'
      @statusBarTile = @statusBar.addRightTile
        item: @statusBarClockView, priority: -1

    @active = ! !!@active

  consumeStatusBar: (statusBar) ->
    @statusBar = statusBar
    # auto activate as soon as status bar activates

Last we add a submenu inside the Package menu that executes the toggle command.
Create a menus/status-bar-clock.cson and add

# See https://atom.io/docs/latest/hacking-atom-package-word-count#menus for more details
'menu': [
    'label': 'Packages'
    'submenu': [
      'label': 'Clock'
      'submenu': [
          'label': 'Toggle'
          'command': 'status-bar-clock:toggle'

Reload. The clock should be there at the bottom right, updating itself.

You can find the source code on GitHub and the final package on atom.io.